Thursday, October 18, 2007

Life's Journey - Ellen's Blog

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105 (New International Version)

Okay, today I am going to embark on a new journey into the world of blogging. It's not that I am any more of a deep thinker than most people, but I do have some thoughts that are worthwhile. Besides, I believe it will help cement what I am learning. At the same time, it may actually be of some benefit to someone else who might be reading.

So If you would like... please join me on the journey!


Watch live streaming video from keynoteconnection at

Billy Graham Early Years Message

Just How Big Small Can Be - By 1000 Generations

Power of Prayer with Coach Dungy

Indianapolis Video

Caring for Baby Bunnies

Caring for Bunnies 2

Caring for Bunnies 3