Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birthday with friend Henry Lee Summers

Henry Lee Summers poses with me on my birthday Friday, Feb. 20th). Steve and I went to Gallagher's 2 on Indy's southside for pizza and listening to their band play!

Henry Lee Summers and I became friends in Spring 2007 when in some classes together. I didn't know who he was until AFTER he helped me with some guitar chords. THEN, we joked around, sang/played a lot between classes... guitar, keyboards, singing...good times.

It was my birthday, so we went to Gallagher's 2 on Indy's southside for pizza and listening to their Henry Lee Summers and the Alligator Brothers play.

When not playing with Henry Lee, on their own, the band is known as SoulShine - Brian Baker (Far Left.:former national touring guitarist), Henry Lee Summer (middle front) and Charlie Bushor (middle back, former drummer for The Why Store, MCA Records) Rhonda Baker (lead singer/keyboards) and Greg Baker (Bass, far Right).

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